Matthew Jankovich was 13 years old and had autism. He lived in Omaha, Nebraska. He was born on June 19, 2002 and died in his sleep on September 21, 2015 from a seizure. In 2014, Matthew was the face of a successful legislative effort to make Nebraska the 36th state to require autism therapy insurance in certain health insurance plans. His parents are Jared and Colleen Jankovich.
Tribute to Matthew Jankovich:
Matthew was "a rare glimps into unspoken enthusiasm, love and compassion. ... I am a better person for having met Matthew (Colby Coash, Nebraska State Senator who sponsored the autism insurance bill)."
Links about Matthew Jankovich:
Obituary: Matthew Jankovich's Obituary at
News: Champion of coverage for autism therapy dies (, Roger Buddenberg, September 24, 2015)